
Nov 2023 Invited participant of Digital Innovations to Improve Maternal and Child Health in Africa
Nov 2023 Invited participant of Visioning Workshop on Generative mHealth Interventions for Emerging Wearables
Oct 2023 Awarded Certificate of Distinction in Teaching (2022-2023 Academic Year)
May 2023 Selected as a 2023-2024 Blavatnik Fellow at Harvard Business School! :tada: :sparkles:
May 2023 Officially graduated with a PhD in Biostatistics from Harvard University! For my teaching efforts, I was award a teaching fellow award at graduation. :mortar_board: :tada: :sparkles:
May 2023 Successfully defended my PhD thesis, “Interpretable Statistical Learning for Real-World Behavioral Data”! :tada: :sparkles:
Mar 2023 Participated in the 3rd annual Learning Workshop.
Mar 2023 DeepMind Internship paper “Knowledge Transfer from Teachers to Learners in Growing-Batch Reinforcement Learning” accepted at Reincarnating RL Workshop at ICLR 2023.
Oct 2022 Awarded Certificate of Distinction in Teaching (2021-2022 Academic Year)
May 2022 Started an internship as a research scientist at DeepMind under the machine learning team in London, working on topics related to deep reinforcement learning.
Apr 2022 I hosted a guest lecture on reinforcement learning for BST 261 - Data Science II at HSPH.
Apr 2022 I co-led a workshop on Digital Phenotyping & the Beiwe Platform for the Center for Technology and Behavioral Health at Dartmouth (material for the workshop can be found here).
Oct 2021 Awarded Certificate of Distinction in Teaching (2020-2021 Academic Year)
Aug 2021 Served as a teaching assistant for Summer Honors Undergraduate Research Program at Harvard.
Jul 2021 Co-led StatStart 2021.
Mar 2021 ENAR Spring 2021 – Fostering Diversity in Biostatistics (Panelist)
Oct 2020 CNOC Symposium (Best Abstract Award) – Pain Score Prediction using Digital Phenotyping.
Aug 2020 Served as a teaching assistant for Summer Honors Undergraduate Research Program at Harvard.
May 2020 Awarded Masters of Arts (AM) in Biostatistics from Harvard University.
Jan 2020 Served as a research mentor for Pipeline into Biostatistics.
Jan 2020 Passed Harvard Biostatistics Doctoral Written Qualifying Exam